Upcoming Shows


Mirage :  Featuring Larry Bell, Ben Dallas,
August Muth, Signe Stuart

May 25 - June 22, 2024

 Opening Reception | Saturday, May 25, 4-6 pm


The artworks exhibited in 'Mirage' put in question what we see. Visual perception changes on closer inspection, challenging our preconceived ideas of composition, process, and materials.


 Larry Bell, Dea Study 8.23.23, mixed media on canvas, 62 x 42 in.


August Muth, Flux, 2015, holograms laminated in glass, 
15 x 11 in. optical depth 11 in. 


Ben Dallas, Open-Faced Sandwich Series 1, 2024, 
acrylic media, canvas, 5 x 4 x 1 in.



Signe Stuart,
 Quanta 1, 2015, acrylic on sewn canvas, 40 x 20 in.